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Tag: USD

Crisis is Shutting Down – Capital Flows Begin

QUESTION #1: Now that Canadian banks have proven themselves completely compromised by Trudeau and his bootlickers, is there a “safer” haven for $CAD?...

What If Biden Wins?

The problem we will face if Biden wins is that the Democrats are hell-bent on not just raising taxes, but demonetizing the dollar to end hoarding of cash, which is...

US Dollar Index – Is it Valid?

QUESTION: You said the Dollar Index is not valid because it was based on trade 30 years ago. I seem to recall you had your own index. Would you explain the...

Is the Dollar Overvalued or Undervalued?

The latest claim running around is that the dollar is overvalued relevant to its trading partners, and it will decline as the economy recovers due to imports. You...

Will the Dollar Crash?

QUESTION: Good morning from Greece Martin!! It will be very interesting to have your comment on Steven’s Roach interview at CNBC about an upcoming dollar...

What is Different This Time Between 1987 & 2020 – 33 years Later?

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your 1987 conference on the weekend of the crash. I was amazed, with many others, that you were able to say the futures would drop...

USD v China

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You were completely right, as always, about the USD rally. When we get closer to 2032 and thus closer to China being the number 1 economy of...

The Rise of the Left

QUESTION: Hi Marty I work as a Professor of Surgery and read your blog every day. I’ve worked all over the world and remain intrigued by the changes your model is...

Rise in US Dollar Will Force Defaults in Third World

The countless analysts who keep preaching that the dollar will collapse have been singing the same song since 1971. They NEVER look outside the USA and simply...

Trying to Overthrow the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, you said at the conference the efforts to overthrow the dollar as the reserve currency have failed and it will take the Monetary Crisis Cycle to...