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Tag: vaccines

Fauci our Modern-Day Mengele – He Must be Removed

Now the new Dr. Mengele of our time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who does not actually practice medicine, has announced that the US is still planning for COVID-19 booster...

Gates’ Corruption of Vaccinating the Entire World

From the beginning, Gates said we had to vaccinate the entire world to end COVID. But this is like the flu because it resides in various animals, and it will always...

Pfizer Vaccine Linked to First Death & Birth Defects

The British report on side effects has confirmed well over 100,000 people have been impacted by the vaccines and confirmed that they might cause birth defects as...

Marking the Unvaccinated As they Marked Jews in the 1930s

  History indeed repeats. In Europe, they demand that the “unvaccinated” wear masks to identify themselves, just as the Jews were forced to wear...

NY Cops Who Refuse to Get Vaccinations Must Wear Masks

New York City cops who have refused to get vaccines are told they must wear masks, even though they do absolutely nothing. As I reported before, all the studies...

Sotrovimab – the Alternative to mRNA Vaccines

At last, we are starting to get some real research to deal with the biologically manufactured COVID-19 virus that appears to have been engineered and released with...

What a Real Doctor Has to Say

There are a lot of doctors who read these posts, and there are doctors I know and can vouch for as being real. This is an email from one such person I can...

World in Chaos In South Africa, the currency has fallen hard as riots have devasted the country. They looted the mall, except for the...

Asia Departs from the Gates/Schwab Agenda of Vaccinating the World

Ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasitic infections in humans that are more commonly used on animals, is now trending and exploding in Asia. This is true in India...

Malta Will Only Allow Vaccinated Visitors – All Others – Get Lost!

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, I have read that Malta is the first country in Europe that only allow tourist fully vaccinated. I have booked my vacations in August in Malta,...