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Tag: War Cycle

The Fascism of the Left Has Infiltrated All levels of Government

  This becomes a fight for the very principles on which the United States was founded. People have infiltrated government at every level and believe they have...

It’s War – France & Britain Face Off at Sea

The French and British are at it again, as always. The British Royal Navy and French police boats patrolled offshore from the Isle of Jersey’s port of Saint...

CNN Turns to Greta as a Virus Expert?

It is beyond comprehension that now a 16-year-old climate activist is suddenly also a health expert. CNN cares nothing about the country, the people it continues to...

How Could Socrates Forecast Food Shortages in the Cycle Years in Advance?

QUESTION: Marty; You were the only one to forecast this would be a commodity cycle driven by shortages. How can your computer forecast such things like this...

Are We On The Verge of War?

Russia has been testing the US defenses since this coronavirus began. US fighter jets intercepted a pair of Russian military aircraft as they entered into the...

The Risk of War between Pakistan & India

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your model which forecasts the start of rising tensions between Pakistan and India for 2019 has been absolutely correct. What do you see...

The Rising Tensions: Kashmir – Hong Kong – Korea

The War Cycle is by far on schedule. We have tensions rising almost everywhere. In Asia, we have the Kashmir Crisis as hundreds of people took the streets in...

Is France Moving Closer to Revolution?

After studying how revolutions unfold, the critical factor is when the police/army turn against the political power. The Russian Revolution was bloodless for when...

False Flags – Not the Fringe Conspiracy but Reality

QUESTION: Are false flags by governments part of the end of this cycle or a modern practice? And why is it called a false flag? DK ANSWER: No – they are very...

Trump Stands Down on Retaliation Against Iran

Trump said Iran’s attack on the drone was probably an unintentional “mistake.” According to sources, President Trump had approved military strikes...