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Tag: War

Class-Action Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of US Troops Discharged for Refusing Vaccine

Remember when the US government discharged 100,000 troops who refused to take the vaccine? They did so at a time when recruitment was at an all-time low and...

Nordic Countries Promise Mass Deportations

Religious zealots have come out in full force in recent weeks. European nations are now realizing that they made a grave mistake by opening their doors to countless...

Belarus Looking for War with Lithuania

The embers of war are igniting. Everyone is using the ongoing turmoil as an opportunity to attack their enemies. Belarus and Lithuania are akin to Russia and...

Elon Musk Powers Gaza – Open Communications Amid War

Israel has stripped Gaza of all electricity, and over 2.2 million people no longer have access to basic necessities. Elon Musk announced over the weekend that he...

$105 Billion Military Aid Bill Breakdown

America added an additional $105 billion in military spending on top of the $886 billion military budget set to be approved by Congress. We are spending far more on...

Haley wants a Department of Offense

Nikki Haley has made it clear that should would lead America straight into a nuclear war if elected president. She told Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to...

US Provokes China – Russia’s Alliance with China Grow Stronger

@cbseveningnews The Pentagon released more than a dozen videos that show Chinese military planes harassing U.S. military planes in international airspace, accusing...

When will the Great Unwashed Wake Up?

COMMENT: Now that it is painfully clear , there is no law in the United States, my question would be how long before the great unwashed, realize this ? I understand...

European Companies Lost Over €100 Billion on Russia Amid War

The Financial Times estimates that European companies have lost at least €100 billion ($110 billion) since the Russia-Ukraine war began. Around 176 European...