Tag: Welfare
Migrants Imploding Welfare State
November 14, 2023
People are coming to America for a better life at your expense. The excuse that migrants came here to work and contribute to our society does not match the...
ImmigrationEarn Six Figures Without Working
March 31, 2023
The US government has been on a spending spree over the past few years and there is absolutely no way they can ever pay the bill. Federal spending hit $4.45...
PoliticsMeloni Set to Abolish Italy’s Welfare State
November 25, 2022
Italy’s new PM Giorgia Meloni revealed her first economic initiatives with a budget of 21 billion euros. The Italian government will no longer provide free...
ItalyGuaranteed Basic Income
March 28, 2016
Richard Nixon unsuccessfully tried to pass a version of Milton Friedman’s plan. Nixon’s Democratic opponent in the 1972 presidential election, George...
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