Tag: wheat
Commodities Trade Differently
May 29, 2024
All commodities, including gold, trade substantially differently than stocks or real estate. Pictured here is wheat back to 1200. Note that you see what appears to...
Gold Precious MetalsIndia Sets Export Restrictions on Popular Ingredient
December 11, 2023
Onions are the latest food staple facing extensive export restrictions in an effort to control domestic prices ahead of India’s 2024 national election. The Indian...
World TradeSilos Destroyed in Kiev – False Flag Comes to Fruition
July 21, 2023
I reported in June that the Ukrainians would claim Russia had targeted their wheat silos, and it all comes back to the Ukraine Reconstruction fund by JPMorgan Chase...
WarUKRAINE RECONSTRUCTION BANK – BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase Own Ukraine
June 26, 2023
Zelensky has sold out Ukraine to JPMorgan and BlackRock. While everyone was distracted with trivial news stories, BlackRock and JPMorgan partnered with the...
Great Reset WarPasta Prices Soar 20% in Italy – The Return of the Pasta Cartel?
May 16, 2023
(image above represents shrinkflation — an additional burden to consumers) Italy’s Industry Minister Adolfo Urso called for an emergency meeting to...
InflationWheat & the Fourth Quarter of 2020
July 30, 2020
COMMENT: Hope all is well We as farmers are paying a price as our pm is bad-mouthing the Chinese. We, Australian farmers, have had a rough deal over the last 30...
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