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Tag: WHO

WHY is Nobody Investigating Bill Gates?

  QUESTION: Marty; Do you think Gates can be stopped? FK ANSWER: I believe based upon his conduct, Bill Gates is such an elitist he lacks wisdom. He sees the...

The Virus has become the Political Weapon of 2020

China actually reported to the World Health Organization on New Year’s Eve that it was facing a novel coronavirus. It was on January 3rd when U.S. health...

WHO Tries to Dazzle People with Numbers – Not Reality

This is the WHO clip that the leftist newspapers are using to justify why we should remain locked down for Bill Gates’ 18 months. Besides, I think we will see...

What Gates & WHO Have Done to Third World Countries is Criminal

  The press will not report what this lockdown has done worldwide. Third world countries are primarily service-oriented. These people have no savings and no...

Trump v Gates – Is Gates Winning to Overthrow Trump?

  This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the...

UN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus

Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon...

Is this a Staged Political Coup on a Grand International Level?

COMMENT: Hi Marty, No one has been more spot on before the deluge than you in calling these moves. Have you ever seen such idiocy in all your life as is on full...

Are They Planning ID2020 as Mandatory Implants for All as the Solution to the Crisis?

There is a very concerning proposal running around in Washington. The technology already exists for pets which is an electronic microchip or transponder. A...

Half-Billion $ Pandemic Derivatives

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Have you been called in by the World Bank because of the coronavirus? The rumor is you are advising on this pandemic from a financial...

The Zombie Apocalypse May Be Here – But it’s the Bird Flu not the Coronavirus

The more traditional bird flu has appeared in the same area of China. The bird flu outbreak was reported Saturday in Hunan, which borders the province of Hubei...