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Tag: woke agenda

Social Justice Warrior Murdered – Family & Friends Apologize to Killer

Ryan Thoresen Carson, 32, was a self-proclaimed liberal social justice warrior. He worked as a campaign manager for the New York Public Interest Research Group...

Newsom Vetoes Parental Discrimination Gender Identity Bill

Some say California’s Governor Gavin Newsom is attempting to appear more moderate ahead of election season. Newsom actually used common sense and defied party...

Banned Books – A Reading by Senator Kennedy

I saw a woman wearing a rainbow “I read banned books” shirt. Decades ago, less even, perhaps I would have asked what was in her library. Today, the banned books...

Christians Barred from Fostering Children in Massachusetts

I reported in April that Oregon’s Department of Human Services announced it would prevent some Christian families from adopting children due to their “extreme...

NHS Sets Gender Care Age Limit to Seven

Some kids dream of being princesses when they grow up, but we do not strategically marry them off to older men to secure new lands. If a child wants to be a...

Left Declares White Males as Most Dangerous Demographic in USA

  Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men." — Molly ? (@mollyfprince) July 24, 2019...

Harris – Reducing the Population is a Real Goal

The White House claims that Vice President Kamala Harris made a gaff by saying that the goal was to “reduce population” when she should have said...

CDC Promotes Child Endangerment – Chestfeeding

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is supposed to provide guidance on infection and disease control measures. So why is this corrupt agency discussing food and...

Red White and no Bud Light

Proud Americans once hosted cases of Bud Light at their Fourth of July celebrations every year. It was a staple of American culture, the nation’s favorite beer....

Parents Protest Trans Agenda Outside Trudeau’s Office

Parents across Canada and the US are furious that woke policies have infiltrated classrooms. Over the weekend, hundreds of Muslim parents protested in front of PM...