Tag: Wolfgang Schäuble
Merkel Under Fire for the Immigrant Crisis
October 20, 2015
The latest rumor running around Berlin has Merkel resigning and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble taking her place as Chancellor in the Berlin government. It has...
Western EuropeSchäuble wants Brussels to Tax Directly – Good Night Europe
July 27, 2015
German Federal Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, envisions that the Euroland has to assume control to relieve the local politicians of the need to raise taxes...
European Union Sovereign Debt CrisisSchäuble – The Man Behind the Throne
July 22, 2015
It was about 20 years ago when Wolfgang Schäuble, current German Finance Minister, wrote his paper on the danger in the Eurozone reflecting on European...
European UnionGreece’s First Mistake
July 6, 2015
Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s finance minister, quit because he personally clashed with other finance ministers, whom are clueless. I have listened to Varoufakis...
Western EuropeYou Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave
July 1, 2015
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday. Two years ago,...
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