Tag: women’s rights
Women Beneath Dogs in Afghanistan
August 27, 2024
Does the West actually care about women? The United Kingdom wants to arrest anyone speaking poorly of Islamic views infiltrating their society, and they plan to...
TyrannyEugenics in Europe – Women with Disabilities Forcibly Sterilized
June 6, 2023
The year is 2023 — our top leaders cannot define the term “woman,” so why should they be protected? We know about the ongoing eugenics program in Canada...
EthicsWhy Men Excel in Sports
June 5, 2023
Women are being forced out of athletics. Facts over feelings, but biological males are athletically superior to women. Numerous successful female athletes have been...
WOKEBiden Administration: “Birthing Persons” or “Unpaid Caregivers” are Bad for the Economy
May 12, 2023
Happy early Mother’s Day to the women in charge with shaping our society. The vital role of a mother, arguably the most important responsibility one can take on,...
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