Tag: World Health Organization
Aspartame Deemed Carcinogenic
July 3, 2023
The World Health Organization is set to label aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic.” If the FDA or USDA actually considers labeling something as “possibly...
DiseaseEU and WHO Plan Digital Vaccine Passports
June 8, 2023
The European Union and World Health Organization met in Geneva this week to discuss plans for “future pandemics.” Governments and global organizations still...
DiseaseWHO Do You Think You Are? Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty
June 9, 2022
All the world leaders supporting the Great Reset were eager to relinquish complete power to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO wanted to seize the...
Corruption DiseaseBiden Wants Newborns to get COVID Vaccine in 2022
June 25, 2021
Even the Wall Street Journal has admitted that the vaccines carry a greater risk than the politicians are saying. Will Twitter now ban the WSJ from ever posting...
VaccineWHO is Corrupt Beyond Question
May 4, 2021
A lot of people are becoming whistleblowers. It is really astounding why people defend these measures, yet at the same time, they chastize capitalism as...
CorruptionHow Did “COVID Denier President” John Magufuli Die?
April 20, 2021
Tanzanian President John Magufuli went missing at the end of February 2021. For 18 days, the president’s whereabouts were unknown until he was pronounced dead...
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