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Tag: World War III

Germany Considers Conscription for Men and Women Over 18

Germany is considering forcing the youngest adults in their population to die in the name of a proxy war that in no way affected Germany, the German people or their...

British MoD Allegedly Hacked by China on May 7

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on May 7 that they were targeted by hackers. The initial announcement did not state who was responsible, but Sky News...

Germany and Japan to Hold Joint Naval Exercises

Japan and Germany announced plans on May 6 to hold joint naval exercises to “maintain the rules-based international order.” Despite forming an alliance...

Russia Responds Precisely on Target

Nearly $300 billion worth of confiscated frozen Russian assets have been set to the side by the West. Some of the world’s leading decision-makers have been urging...

Russia Deems South Korea an Unfriendly Nation

Russia’s ties to North Korea have strained its relationship with South Korea. South Korea has placed sanctions on Russian entities and individuals, with Russia...

32 Climate Hoaxes that are now Supporting for WWIII

Did we get enough of them to save the planet? I am not kidding. There are now Climate Zealots who are eager to bring about World War III as the means to save the...

The West will get a lesson for memory that it is bad to fight with Russia

It would be nice to think that all we have to do is get out and vote to rid ourselves of these warmongers. But they control the elections, and they are in their...

What to Know About the UK Conscription

The United Kingdom is in an uproar after it was suggested that they may face a military draft. There is no draft at the time of this writing, but based on the...

NATO Gifts Ukraine $5.5 Billion in Patriot Missiles

NATO announced that has purchased 1,000 Patriot missiles to prolong the war in Ukraine. The total purchase amounts to $5.5 billion as each missile costs around $4...

Civilian Always Die in War – War is Hell

COMMENT: You overlook all the civilians being killed in Ukraine and in Palestine. LS ANSWER: As they say, history is written by the victor. I do not know what...