Tag: Xi Jinping
Did the US Try to Trick China into Invading Taiwan?
June 20, 2024
Chinese President Xi Jinping believes that that the United States made an attempt to provoke him into invading Taiwan. Xi is attempting to explain to the world that...
WarUS Provokes China – Russia’s Alliance with China Grow Stronger
October 20, 2023
@cbseveningnews The Pentagon released more than a dozen videos that show Chinese military planes harassing U.S. military planes in international airspace, accusing...
WarChinese Migrants Actively Breaching US Military Sites
September 6, 2023
This entire migrant crisis would not be permitted to occur under anyone but the untouchable Joe Biden. Reports have circulated at the Department of Defense, and FBI...
WarThe African Peace Plan is Doomed
June 15, 2023
The neocons are the only ones thirsting for a world war. Putin has been pleading for peace or any form of conflict resolution. South Africa’s President Cyril...
WarThe 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing
February 4, 2022
Hosting the Olympics is not cheap, but it’s a privilege most countries vie after for prestige. The 2022 Winter Olympics is estimated to cost China around $4...
ChinaThe Rise of China
January 5, 2021
QUESTION: Martin, Thanks for a great report on your private blog regarding population and cycles. These Great Reset people are killing the whole world! As an...
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