Tag: Yeltsin
Neocons for NATO
December 18, 2023
A Donald Trump win would be a complete disaster for the Neocons. He repeatedly stated that withdrawing from the war in Ukraine would be his first priority on day...
WarHas Biden Unknowingly Begun World War III in Financial Markets?
March 2, 2022
We have a very serious problem. I know where the advice to Biden and other world leaders is coming from, as they are telling them to seize all the assets of...
WarWill Epstein Case with Maxwell Go Beyond just Sex?
August 22, 2020
The real question is what is going on in this case? Are prosecutors going to limit this to just sex? Or will they look at this for real that Epstein was...
ConspiracyThe Club & Why the Majority Must be Always Wrong
September 6, 2019
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I did my own research on the 1998 Russian collapse. All the big names lost billions. Even the New York Times reported that George Soros...
Training ToolsAmerican Civil Unrest Keying to Election
November 7, 2016
I heard from behind the curtain that a coup is developing inside the intelligence and law enforcement divisions to stop the Clinton Machine. I cannot vouch for the...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Civil UnrestBerlin Pre-Debut
April 30, 2015
Pre-debut showings appeared in Stuttgart and Berlin. The reception has been amazing, demonstrating how so many people are starting to realize that something is...
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