Tag: Yemen
The Next Supply Chain Crisis?
January 8, 2024
The kids Obama attempted to bomb in Yemen all those years ago grew up fast. They’ve now formed surprisingly efficient militias who hate the West and have become...
World Trade WarPeace in the Middle East – China Brokers Saudi Arabia-Iran Peace Treaty
March 27, 2023
China accomplished a once unthinkable feat — a peace treaty between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The two countries have been sworn enemies since the beginning of...
Politics War World TradeThe Largest Humanitarian Crisis That No One Discusses
March 21, 2022
Yemen has been at war for the past seven years. A once great land of ancient trade, Yemen has become one of the poorest nations in the Arab world. Their GDP for...
WarMiddle East Chaos
July 23, 2019
The Middle East has been in turmoil and Trump has stood his ground against the neo-cons. The UAE is trying to avoid involving its nation in the conflict with Iran...
Middle EastMass Protests in Yemen Against Saudi Arabia
March 30, 2017
Two years after the start of the international war in Yemen, thousands of people in Sanaa have protested against the air raids of a Saudi-led military...
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