Trump and Vance were not the first to warn Zelensky that his ungrateful begging would backfire. In June 2022, during a private phone call, then-President Joe Biden...
The media would like you to believe that Vladamir Putin is cheering Donald Trump’s victory, but the Kremlin has reiterated that America remains an unfriendly...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, dubbed “the greatest salesman who ever lived” by former President Donald Trump, has become the latest puppet for the...
QUESTION: You have said that this border crisis has been brought on to rig the 2024 election. How will this play out for the election? SC ANSWER: I do not see this...
Volodymyr Zelensky has banned all Russian influence from Ukraine, including the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. Zelensky may thought he had found an ally...
The people of Ukraine have been terribly mistreated under the rule of Zelensky. The Ukrainian government is well-known for widespread corruption, with Zelensky...
EU Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni has claimed that the Group of Seven (G7) will release $50 billion in frozen Russian assets to Ukraine by October....
Donald Trump has guaranteed to end the war in Ukraine if elected president, vowing to do so before his first day in office. The recent outpouring of support for...
Joe Biden is surpassing rival Donald Trump in the polls by 7x, but not in America. Ukraine is eager to see a Joe Biden re-election as he is the only candidate who...
The nations toppling their budgets to provide blank checks to Ukraine should know where their money is being spent. We all know that a large portion of the money is...