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Comment on Formal Education The Youth Should Understand

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Hello MA, well let me say I went to University of New South Wales (UNSW) (at the time I was there which was +20 years ago), Macquarie  was seen as the University for Northern Sydney—). Also studied post law at Queensland University of Technology QUT.   Did economics/finance – (math based) @ UNSW and law at QUT.    The economics/finance  taught was TOTALLY IRRELEVANT but it was a case of professors selling books to students (and furthering their “career” by book selling recognition and status!!) and BRAINWASHING.

The Law at QUT was more relevant, BUT THE SO CALLED EDUCATION SERVED by these disciplines MOST OF ALL serves me NOW – AS I DON”T GET SCREWED OVER BY SO CALLED “PROFESSIONALS” –  like accountants and lawyers because THE FEE they charge has not relevance to the capital at risk in a business.

Regards and have a great weekend MA,