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Protecting Russian Speaking People in Eastern Europe is to Protect Russia Itself

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The proposition in Russia is that they must defend Russian speaking people living in the Eastern European former Soviet States. This is the justification for international war and Russia is well aware that Europe will not defend this region for it is financially broke in any event. The proposition is that to protect the compatriots abroad is to protect Russia as well. The Press Center of the Russian Foreign Ministry held a presentation under the collective monograph of “International experience of support and protection of the rights of our compatriots abroad”, which was prepared and published by the International Council of Russian Compatriots (ICRC), with the assistance and support of the Fund for the protection of the rights of compatriots living abroad. (“International experience of support and protection of the rights of our compatriots”. Group of authors. International Council of Russian Compatriots.  M: second edition 2013. Page 312).