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Training Seminar v World Economic Conference March 2014

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Firstly, thanks for all the information you are kindly sharing on your website – it is very helpful and informative.

I have a question regarding the upcoming technical analysis training conference in March this year.

I attended the 2011 Analytical Technical Training Seminar in Philadelphia on Dec 3, 2011 and wanted to ask whether the Training Conf event this year is similar in terms of training materials/topics – ie. downtrend/uptrend/break/breakout/projection/momentum lines, advance/decline channel analysis, channel/plateau move, waterfall event, etc.. – or whether there will be new training materials presented?

I am basically trying to decide if I should attend the technical/training conference this year (if enough new material) considering I attended your prior technical analysis training event in 2011.

Could you please advise what you recommend.

Thanks and regards,


ANSWER: The 2011 session was limited because it was part of a 2 day event. This time one full day will be devoted to strategic trading and we will be going over cycles, reversals, and how to position trade for the big moves. The WEC on March 25-26 will be the forecasting which markets will be the best performers going into 2015. So this session will be HOW to trade whereas the WEC will be what to trade.