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CNN Has been Caught at Creating Fake News & Everyone Else is Pointing the Finger at them

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CNN reported that Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, was ready to tell Mueller that Trump knew about the meeting with Russias at Trump Tower in advance. Many other newspapers report the story using CNN as the source that this was the “bombshell” that would impeach Trump. that The problem is that Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, has repudiated that story. Davis has come out and expressly stated that Cohen has no information that Trump had prior knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting Every other news service has come out and apologized for the false report. Not the king of Faker News, CNN. CNN has come out and stated: “We stand by our story, and are confident in our reporting of it.” This really shows how low CNN has become. There are now no longer regarded as a “reliable” news service and have fallen hard in the rates as FOX News has been number one now for 200 months straight.