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Are Governments Planning on Nuclear War to Reduce Population for Climate Change?

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NYT Biden_Approved_Secret_Nuclear_Weapons_Strategy

QUESTION: Marty, I know you have been trying to reduce the amplitude of your computer’s forecast for war. You probably deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. They gave it to Obama for trying to invade Syria. It appears that the military establishment does read you. Biden directed them to prepare for nuclear war with China, Russia, and North Korea last March, according to the New York Times. This confirms that there is a risk, and they know it but keep pushing for war with Russia anyway. Is this all because of the debt crisis? They seem to be complete idiots.

Please comment on this latest info.


Reagan in quest of peaceMikhail Gorbachev and Maagie Thatcher


ANSWER: I do not understand why this crop of leaders around the world in the West are all promoting war as if this can even be won. Look, thirty years ago, everyone wanted world peace – including every Miss America. Today, I would not be surprised if Miss America stood up and said she wanted to see World War III. These are two items from my political collection of memorabilia. I agree with you that it just seems as if they are planning on hiding in their bunkers and are planning on reducing the population all for climate change.

Biden Secon Term

Did we get enough of them?



Nagasaki Japan

Nuclear Bomb

This illustration shows the radius of a 100-megatonne nuclear bomb dropped on New York City. Nuclear War will not destroy the planet. Look at Japan. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki have proven that the “science” claimed that those cities would be uninhabitable for a thousand years after a nuclear war was wrong. Their populations doubled in 20 years after being nuked? Hiroshima now has nine times its 1945 population.

The GOOD NEWS is you can then just nuke your opponent and actually save the planet is their twisted view of nuclear war. Without electricity, your opponent could not even make a phone call to launch a response. But if we look at Chornobyl, the nuclear disaster restored the region, which became a sanctuary for animals void of humans, in Ukraine.

Bikini Atoll Test 1024x545Bikini Atoll, 70 years after nuclear tests, is thriving. On July 24, 1946, the Baker Test shrouded its formidable height over the U.S. Navy’s test fleet. The United States dropped 23 nuclear bombs on the island, including a device in 1954 that was 1,100 times larger than the Hiroshima atom bomb. Now, a team of scientists from Stanford University has been stunned. They discovered an abundance of marine life apparently thriving in the crater of Bikini Atoll, which was declared a nuclear wasteland after the bombings.

Strangely enough, the same has been found at Chornobyl in Ukraine. It is starting to emerge that even setting off every nuclear bomb will not destroy the planet or turn Earth into space rocks. We can alter our environment by doing so and ridding the planet of humanity as the dominant species. Still, Earth will heal itself, and life will adapt exactly as scientists have discovered in Ukraine at the site of Chornobyl. Wildlife has thrived because it sent humans running.

This new evidence emerging from Chornobyl and Bikini Atoll demonstrates that we may not be as smart as we think, no less all-powerful. Those pushing for World War III see themselves far smarter than we are. They are really trying to save the planet from us – or that’s what they are whispering in the dark bowel of government. Exterminate humanity, and we can save the bugs and crickets from becoming our next food source.

Interestingly, the US has been buying medicine for radiation poisoning. They know what they are doing and could care less how many civilians are wiped out. Their view is that the population needs to be reduced anyhow.

Septimus Severus 193 211AD AE8 Assaria os Apameis Phrygia Story of Noah

Perhaps they have a Noah Complex and assume that they will survive in their bunkers after depopulating the world and emerging to a fresh, revitalized planet. What they are taking the world into is a very serious change, and these people no longer represent us by any shape of the imagination.

They have been buying Amgen’s Radiation Medicine and will only hand them out to their supporters. However, you can ask your doctor for a prescription, perhaps. Amgen’s sales of Nplate have scored 66%. The US Department of Health and Human Services downplayed the severity of the risk of Nuclear War. It said this is part of its “long-standing, ongoing efforts by the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response to better prepare the U.S. for the potential health impacts of a wide range of threats to national security.”