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The Destruction of the United States Projected by our Computer

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I have often been asked why the media never runs a story on our computer, the ONLY Artificial Intelligence computer with a real track record of over 40 years that has called every major shift in the world economy and correctly forecasted wars to the point of even targeting Ukraine years in advance. All I can do is warn that our computer has mapped it all out and has never been wrong in the major global trends. You would think the media would be knocking on the door. But they are bought and paid for and are not interested in actually helping society or steering a middle ground.

Those in the media refuse to talk about Socrates at all because it goes against their agenda. I screamed as loud as I could. I have tried to warn those in power of the consequences ahead, but they just ignore these warnings. I have done my best to defeat my own computer to no avail. I have to just accept the future and prepare for what is to come. I have no choice.

Neocon 1

The American Neocons always want war, and they have seized control of the Democratic Party, which is why you have the Republican Neocons coming out for Kamala, including Dick Cheney. I am not being partisan here. The West will lose this war, and the financial capital of the world will move once again, just as WWI took it from Britain and handed it to New York. This WWIII will take it from New York and hand it to Beijing. The United States will break up into regions because the media has sown such political hatred between the LEFT and the RIGHT that there is no “unity” to maintain the United States as a confederation.

Biden has admitted to consulting with Israel about attacking the nuclear facility in Iran. It appears that doing so may set off a far greater catastrophe than most expect, which will most certainly compel Russia and China to respond.



If there was ever a confirmation for war, there it is. Dick Cheney endorses Kamala. These people always want war, yet they have lost EVERY single one since World War II. Nobody in Washington will stop them because too many people line their pockets with money. These Neocons should be dragged out of Washington and put on trial for their usurpation of our government.The Neocon Republicans have no problem sending Americans to their death for their personal hatreds and vendettas. The fact that they are coming out and claiming to be Republicans for Harris confirms this election is really all about World War III. Former US Rep. Adam Kinzinger announced via X, writing: “There is nothing ‘conservative’ about Donald Trump. Conservatives believe in the Constitution, not a ‘man’s’ ego. Endorsing American democracy and the future today and leaving the past in the dust. I’m endorsing @KamalaHarris.”

NATO_Defeat Russia_in_3_Days Adam Kinzinger

It was Adam Kinzinger who was thrown out of the House by voters because he is a vile Neocon who belongs in prison under the hate crimes laws. This is the guy who claimed that we can destroy Russia and conquer that country in just 3 days. As long as the West continues to allow the Neocons to control this war, then there will be no stopping World War III. These people have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons.



These Neocons have waged endless wars since Vietnam. They had lied to the American public to justify their wars as Robert McNamara sought to clear his conscience before he died and said, “WE WERE WRONG” about Vietnam, that the Russians were not involved, and it was just a civil war. The cost of this War on Terror Brown University has conducted a study and placed it at $8 trillion, again with no victory. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and nobody was ever held accountable.

MA War Cycle 2011 WEC

I stood up at our 2011 World Economic Conference in Philadelphia and warned that our war cycle was turning up in 2014. In 2013, I even posted on the blog that the computer had targeted Ukraine as where it would begin. The Neocons have directed Zelensky to invade Russia, diverting troops from defending his own country to destroying Russia so NATO will invade a weakened Russia. Zelensky’s Victory Plan is using long-range missiles to destroy Russia, claiming he will force them to negotiate. Putin has just announced that there will not be any peace negotiations after Zelensky says he will destroy Russia until they are forced to yield to peace.

Zelenskyy Johnson

They had a peace deal ready to be signed, and the Neocons sent Boris Johnson to rush to Ukraine to stop Zelensky from signing any peace deal. They think we are stupid and will never connect the dots. This has NEVER been about anything but the destruction of Russia.

Eisenhower Dwight Ike 1890–1969

President Eisenhower warned that we should be mindful of the Military Industrial Complex. Everything he warned about has unfolded. Because they own Congress, we do not stand a chance of avoiding war. Eisenjower’s speech was never listened to by anyone. He warned what was unfolding, and the money was far too great in the Washington lobby circuit ever to stop this ultimate destruction of our nation. Over two-thirds of our national debt is all due to wars created by the Neocons. We are still paying interest on World War II debt.


Listen carefully to Eisenhower’s words. He saw the outcome and was trying to warn us, but the money blinds the vision of our Constitution.

World War III

Our computer is on track for projecting World War III in 2025. The Neocons are doing everything possible to stop Trump and RFK, who are anti-war. All the lawsuits against Trump. The attempt to keep him off the ballots and the 14th Amendment farse, the staged January 6th riot to block any challenge to state votes, and they prevented RFK from even being on the Democratic ticket. The Democrats opened the border to flood the country just to retain power. The Biden DOJ is suing states for removing illegal aliens from voting.  This 2024 election WILL BE THE LAST. Nobody will accept this outcome, and it certainly seems to be rigged from the outset. I cannot vote in EU election, but illegals can vote in America?

Biden was never going to be the candidate. The debate was to show the world he was incompetent. CNN was in on the scam for there has NEVER been a presidential debate BEFORE the people were nominated by their parties. For the first time in history, you now have Kamala Harris, who the people have never elected for anything. She is another Biden and will sign whatever the Neocons put in front of her. Kamala is the Neocon’s choice.


We have seen two attempted assassinations of Trump. The second attempted assassin has survived, and the Fed will not allow Florida to investigate anything, and now the DOJ of the Biden Administration has asked for an INDEFINITE trial date. This guy will NEVER be allowed to have a trial for anything that may lead back to the government and can never be allowed to see the light of day – i.e., JFK’s assassination has still not been released in over 60 years.

Propaganda Fake News


The media, like MSNBC, has sold our country down the tubes with CNN. These people lack any understanding that what they are doing is destroying our country. They have sowed so much hatred and polarized the country, dividing the population that there is nothing that will be salvageable. They have crossed the red line.

Funding 2024


Just look at the funding between Trump and Kamala. Google searches bias always in favor of Kamala. These people are deliberately interfering in the election, knowing that the Democrat-controlled Department of Just US will never prosecute them.


This is Google’s election interference. It should be criminal for the head of any company to use corporate funds to further their personal political agenda. That is no different than having the company pay for all your expenses and not declaring that as personal income.



In this candid undercover video of an MSNBC producer, they regard their viewers as stupid. There is nothing left of America. Unfortunately, the computer will be correct—there is no viable solution to retaining the United States intact. The media has poisoned the population, creating such hatred between both sides that there is no resolution because there can be no compromise.

In the latest undercover video, Basel Hamdan, a writer and producer for MSNBC’s show Ayman, not only admitted that MSNBC is the mouthpiece of the Democrats but that they have brainwashed their viewers. He said: “They’ve made their viewers dumber over the years,” and explained that MSNBC is “too cozy with Democratic politicians.

Stammer clsoing Pubs could_be_forced_to_shut_early_in_new_Labour_nanny_state_blow

The LEFT always portrays themselves as the victims of the RIGHT, and only the total destruction of the RIGHT will ever improve their lives. In Britain, as soon as the LEFT seized power, not only did they imprison anyone who criticized them, but they also launched their typical agenda to attack the culture. They are never willing to run the country for the benefit of the whole. It is always just about them. That is why all the worst revolutions in history from 1905 and 1917 in Russia, Mao in China, the 1848 Communist Revolution in Europe, and even the 1918 German Communist Revolution always seek to overthrow the RIGHT and force their agenda upon everyone. This is why we also see the constant rise and fall of civilizations. We will never be able to establish world peace for extended periods of time.

Supreme Court BW

Then, the Democrats did not like the law, so they wanted to change the Supreme Court just as FDR wanted to stack the court to rule in favor of Marxism. They disagreed with immunity for Trump when prosecutors have even more immunity than what the Supreme Court decided for official acts by a president. They wanted to hang Trump like Saddam Hussein, and they wanted 20 years in prison for anyone at the January 6th protest, calling it an unarmed Insurrection.  Joe Biden proposed term limits for the justices in the Supreme Court so he could stuff the court before he left office and a constitutional amendment on immunity to criminally charge Trump and throw him in prison as Napoleon did to the Pope to seize the Papal States.

FDR Stacking the Court

The LEFT always wants to change the Supreme Court because they fundamentally disagree with the EQUAL PROTECTION of the law because they are the victims of capitalism. You are to go to prison for discrimination against even gays or transgenders, but discrimination based entirely upon material wealth is OK because they want to confiscate what anyone has that is more than what they have.

Marx ten commandments socialism

The LEFT is anti-religion on every level, as evidenced by the fight for ABORTION with no restrictions or limitations. The killing of children in Gaza is horrible, but not killing infants. They have rejected the very existence of any God, just as Marx did. The slogan IN GOD WE TRUST was put on the currency after the Civil War, for it was religion that freed the slaves – not the LEFT. This is a sad testament on our society and why it cannot survive intact. Even Zelensky has outlawed not only speaking Russian, but he has outlawed their Orthodox Christianity and the Pope has condemned Zelensky for outlawing their region. At the same time, he now claims to be a Jew but has his children baptized and never mentioned he was Jewish before being President.



The biggest problem we have is that events such as the Rescue the Republic ensures the destruction of the United States because it merely illustrates the great divide and polarization implying there is even a possibility to rescuing the republic. The polarization is so great, and the media is so compromised that there is no possible way that the United States can survive as a “united” confederation. As communism fell, it is our time for the collapse due to these same Marxist ideas that have undermined our very foundation of freedom.

WEC 2016 Orlando

We will deal with the markets and what the computer is projecting for war in 2025, along with these and many other issues at the WEC in Orlando.

It is also time to consider where to move to survive this absolute, sheer stupidity and chaos.