QUESTION: Hi Martin,
I follow you with great interest.
Please can you make it clear, in ‘Simpleton terms’ ( IE, for those of us who are unable to fully understand), why war is needed so much by the EU?
What on earth does Europe gain from this?
Observations, from what I’ve read of your posts:
1) Europe needs war so that it can default on it’s debt.
(How does that work)?
2) Europe needs war as a distraction, of some form?
3). I fail to understand how war solves anything?
4) I understand war is , to a certain degree, is about ‘Money’, IE divide and conquer and reap the rewards.
In short, without an essay on this subject, please explain the above mentioned scenarios , for those of us that want a ‘simple’ explanation!
All the best and take care,
C ?
ANSWER: War is a great way to default on debts. You get to form a new government, and they always disavow the debts of the previous government. The new United States government claimed it would honor the debts of the previous Continental Congress but never did. This is why you can still buy continental currency even on eBay because it was never redeemed despite the Constitution Article VI, Clause 1 guaranteeing otherwise.
Article VI, Clause 1:
All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.
This provision, known as the Debts Clause, provides that the United States would recognize the debts and engagements of its predecessor governments—namely, the Continental Congresses and the federal government under the Articles of Confederation. This declaratory proposition assured the United States’ foreign creditors, particularly, that adopting the Constitution did not have the magical effect of dissolving the United States’ moral obligations. They defaulted on We the People.
Europe has been committing economic suicide. Between the COVID-19 Lockdowns, the NET-ZERO Climate Change, and then the sanctions on Russia that doubled their fuel costs, you could not ask for a more braindead group of politicians who have ZERO comprehension of even how the economy functions and who see their domain as maintaining power at all costs. Europe refused to consolidate its debts, and all it did was move the volatility from the currency markets to the bond markets. They have the worst economic growth thanks to these policies blended with Marxism, making them the most oppressed economy period.
Everyone sees their obstinant economic agendas and their insane warmongering, and there has been a mass exodus of European investment. Instead of listening and reforming, they are too far left and insist that they are correct. They have been talking about conquering Russia and carving up its $75 trillion in assets, and then Europe will be worth twice that of the US national debt, and then the US will be downgraded to a colony once again. This is why they are patting each other on the back and why Macron and Tusk spoke to Zelensky and said the EU is behind him an “F” Trump.
They need war because they cannot sustain the EU because it was created under false pretenses. I have laid out the wrong plot and decided to say the full truth. Declassified documents have revealed that it was indeed the Neocons and the CIA that funded and created the European Community postwar right into the Treay of Rome.
Politicians will always blame their failures on some other entity or person. Biden blamed the rise in gasoline, calling it Putin’s Inflation. He took no responsibility for imposing the sanction on Russia that resulted in energy prices rising. The EU will collapse, and they know it. War will serve as a distraction so they can blame Russia.
War has two basic motives. Naturally, the first is national security. The threat of an invasion. The CONQUEST model has been the expansion of one’s territory, which is commonly known as empire building. They all had their designs on conquering China and carrying it up as the spoils. This is now the EU looking at Russia. The EU wants war for profit.
In 1931, Europe defaulted on their debts. They start new governments and they never honor the debts of the previous just as the USA defaulted on the currency of the Continental Congress.