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Inmate to Receive Sex Change Surgery – You Pay the Bill

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The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) successfully won a case against the Indiana Department of Corrections to force taxpayers to pay for an inmate’s sex change operation. Jonathan C. Richardson is imprisoned for strangling his 11-month old stepdaughter to death in 2001. Yet, the American justice system declared that it is “inhumane” to deny him a sex change operation.

The judge ruled that denying the surgery violated the Eight Amendment as it would be a “cruel and unusual punishment.” “Specifically, Ms. Cordellioné has shown that her gender dysphoria is a serious medical need, and that, despite other treatments Defendant has provided her to treat her gender dysphoria, she requires gender-affirming surgery to prevent a risk of serious bodily and psychological harm,” the ruling states.

This same murderer filed a lawsuit last year against the prison chaplain, claiming that they converted to Islam and they were being discriminated against as they were prohibited from wearing a hijab.

Indiana law protects taxpayers from paying for sex change operations for inmates, but the ACLU is working to overturn this under the Eight Amendment. It is cruel and unusual to strangle a helpless infant. It is cruel and unusual to deny flood victims of FEMA relief by claiming the budget has run dry. Nothing can distinguish wokeness from mental illness at this stage.

The topic of sex reassignment surgeries repeatedly comes up during debates and interviews. Realize that it is not political hyperbole – you are funding these far-left initiatives.