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The True Story of Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, could you please explain what happens in technical terms from a capital flow perspective, when confidence is lost and hyperinflation starts to begin? For example Turkey. When Erdogan was elected i think you wrote that ever since the lira started dropping. So confidence in politics is key. Do you think one […]

Taxes & Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that when the currency collapses, all tangible things become money in a barter sense. I believe you were talking about the collapse of hyperinflation in Germany. Has that been consistent throughout history? Thank you for a fantastic WEC PK ANSWER: Oh, absolutely. This is the standard reaction within society. You […]

Why there will be NO Hyperinflation

With all the hype about inflation and those who keep pressing for hyperinflation, it is sad to say that they neither understand history nor even what is hyperinflation. While people point to Germany or Zimbabwe as examples and harp on the central banks creating money, they then conclude the other dollar will turn to dust and the only survivor will be gold. In truth, never has the core economy has gone into hyperinflation and all peripheral economies survive. For the dollar to turn to dust, the entire rest of the world must go first. The US has the largest single debt, but it also has the largest economy. Even COVID has shown the difference whereas the head of state can just close down the entire country but in the United States, the president does not have that same power. The political difference is huge and the superficial analysis of inflation is really a joke. Most of these theories date back to the time when money was simply a coin. If one nation debased and others did not, the exchange rates were based solely on the metal content. Those days are long gone and the backing of a currency today is based entirely on its economic power which is its people. You can have all the resources in the world, but if corruption is so great as in Russia, then that has no bearing on its currency. Both Japan and Germany rose from the ashes of WWII without any gold reserves but they had their people who were highly productive. Updating the reality of hyperinflation and what we truly face is long overdue.



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Why There will be no Hyperinflation

  The Next Report for the WEC Attendees is going up today so check later. We are trying to provide reports that provide all the sources and details for the overview of the Conference given this is no doubt a major issue that we face moving forward. Yes, some reports will be available individually, but […]

Difference Between Hyperinflation and Currency Inflation

QUESTION: What is the difference between asset inflation and hyperinflation? I believe you are saying that from Jan 2020 we will see inflation which I understand to be asset inflation? Thanks FL ANSWER: Asset inflation is typically a reflection of a decline in the value of the currency, but this can be 50% over the […]

The Consequence of War that Led to the German Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Everyone has a chart of the German DAX postwar. I have never seen a chart of the German stock market before the war. Do you have any? HVS ANSWER: Yes. However, you must understand that because the world was on a gold standard, the arbitrage volatility was reflected in the bond and share markets […]

Stagflation Versus Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Reading your posts it seems to me you disagree with the pending hyperinflation forecasts.  What do you see coming then? PH ANSWER: Hyperinflation comes when two primary requirements are met: (1) there is a complete collapse in the confidence of the government; (2) the government can no longer borrow and can only create money to […]

German Hyperinflation & the Dawes Plan

The German Hyperinflation was by NO MEANS about inflation created by an increase in the money supply under the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM). Today, Angela Merkel has forcefully imposed Austerity upon the whole of Europe because she really does not understand what even caused the hyperinflation. It was at the Palace of Versailles outside […]

German Hyperinflation – The Undiscovered Truth – Do Coins Survive?

When the Weimar Republic first began following the 1918 Communist Revolution, they issued coins assuming they were now in control. The 50 pfennig coins were struck between 1919 and 1922. There were no precious metal or even bronze coins struck during the hyperinflation that began from August 1922 to November 1923. The coinage of the Weimar Republic between […]

The Way to Survive Hyperinflation

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I just wanted to comment that I am from Venezuela. My father came here to visit me in Florida where I live with a Green Card. Everything he saved in life for his retirement is now worthless and it does not even pay to travel back to collect his pension. The hyperinflation […]